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Philippines Public Holidays 2026

This page contains a national calendar of all 2026 public holidays. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates.

1 JanThuNew Year's Day
17 FebTueChinese New Year
25 FebWedEDSA Revolution Anniversary
21 MarSatEidul Fitr
2 AprThuMaundy Thursday
3 AprFriGood Friday
4 AprSatBlack Saturday
9 AprThuDay of Valor
1 MayFriLabor Day
27 MayWedEidul Adha
12 JunFriIndependence Day
21 AugFriNinoy Aquino Day
31 AugMonNational Heroes Day
1 NovSunAll Saints' Day
30 NovMonBonifacio Day
8 DecTueImmaculate Conception
25 DecFriChristmas Day
30 DecWedRizal Day
The dates in this table are an estimate. We will update this page once the official public holiday dates for 2026 are released.

Note: The dates of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha are estimates. The dates will only be confirmed once the NCMF informs the President’s office of the actual day and a proclamation is made.